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WebGL builds are not supported on mobile devices.
For better performance, please try one of the desktop builds:
Linux (85 mb)
MacOS (80 mb)
Windows (70 mb)
Known issues of the experimental WebGL build:
Due to security precautions it's not possible for the Unity WebGL player to move your cursor to the center of the screen when locking it. If you're experiencing problems interacting with objects in first person mode, press escape, move the mouse cursor onto the cursor point in the middle of the screen and then click onto the game canvas to lock the cursor. The cursor will then be locked in the center of the screen and tooltips and clicking objects will work correctly. Alternatively you can just unlock the mouse to view tooltips or interact with objects by pressing escape.
On loading the browser might throw the error message "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed" at you. Usually this issue will dissolve though, after your browser has downloaded the complete build. Alternatively try one of the desktop builds above.
The streaming assets sometimes don't preload properly and will show up as blank white texture in the gallery. A faster internet connection, waiting and / or refreshing the browser a couple of times might help.
Generally, waiting until all data is cached or trying a different browser might help.
For more information about the works exhibited in the virtual gallery, please visit:
You can watch a full playthrough of the gallery on:

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